A group of candidates for Confirmation 1963.


The names of some of the candidates are known.  They are:- FRONT ROW: Rev F.B. Honey, (Vicar); Howard Taylor, (Churchwarden); Bishop Mervyn; Fred Taylor, (Churchwarden); 2nd ROW:-  Not known; Not known; Not known: Patricia Read; Not known; Rosemary Lewis; Wendy Burford; Not known; Not known; 3rd ROW:- Beryl Bridgens; Jennifer Handy; Not known; Not known; Margaret Gould; Susan Chance; 4th ROW:- Marion Greenhill; Not known; Not known; Jennifer Hancox; BACK ROW: Peter Turner; Not known; Robert Dunn; Peter Mole; Not known; Not known; John Bunn; Not known; Not known; Not known; Not known; Nicholas Andrews; Michael Ruston;  Other boys may be:- Paul Beech & Edward Gould.

supplied by: Janet Byard-Jones

Previous: The Church Choir 1977

Next: Rev Frederic Ingram Cox, Vicar of Wollaston


I didn’t expect to see a photo of my brother, Paul Beech,  in the scout uniform, slightly in front of the other three scouts on the right, who I believe are Glenn -, Nicholas Andrews, (elder brother of Jane), and Mickey Ruston with his two white patrol leader stripes.

David Beech -

It is Glen Hutton next to Nicholas Andrews, left most scout, back row.
Third row, fourth from left is Susan Williams.

David Beech -

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